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Statue Sacre e Statue di Padre Pio - Rossi Statue Sacre Pietrelcina Oggetti Liturgici - Arredi Sacri - Rossi Pietrelcina
Gallery - Marble Statues of Padre Pio - Pietrelcina
Gallery - Marble Statues of Padre Pio - Pietrelcina

statue_padre_pio_marmoMarble and stone workmanship hasn't undergone many substantial changes from ancient times to date and a great part of this antique tradition has been handed down through these specialised artistic productions of great craftsmanship.

The tools used to sculpt the marble haven't changed very much over time either. The rough stone is hammered out, later sculpted with chisels and rasps and finished using sandpaper.

The workmanship is entirely carried out by hand which makes each statue of Padre Pio and all other statutes unique, precious and refined pieces; quite different from mass production.

All of the models in the Rossi Sacred Statue Collection are available in all materials: Bronze, Wood, Marble, Fibreglass.



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