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Statue Sacre e Statue di Padre Pio - Rossi Statue Sacre Pietrelcina Oggetti Liturgici - Arredi Sacri - Rossi Pietrelcina
Lavorazione marmi. Colonnine e Piedistalli

Lavorazione Marmo Rossi Statue Sacre

Marble and stone workmanship The Rossi Sacred Statue workshops offer the experience of great, master stonecutters who create gateways, monuments, podiums, pedestals and capitals for the restoration of monumental works of art.

Thanks to our knowledge of stone workmanship and our continuous research for new technology, we are able to provide products and services unique to the stone sector and carry out works of great artistic value.

Restoration: Our workshops are specialised in the restoration of monuments. Thanks to the development of repair techniques in reproducing missing parts or assembling fragments, we are able to bring monuments back to their original, splendid state.




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